Overfed and Undernourished is a powerful new film that looks at how we ended up here, following the journey of a young boy from Queensland who, at age 11, was well on the path to the lifestyle diseases so prolific today; obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune conditions, asthma and ASD. Sadly, his story is not unique. The Center for Disease Prevention in the USA is predicting that this generation may be the only generation in modern history where the kids may not outlive their parents. Dr. David Katz from Yale University predicts that if this trend continues, there will be more premature deaths from poor eating, obesity and lack of activity among our youth than from smoking, drugs and alcohol combined. It's pretty scary stuff.
But there is hope - the simple changes we can make as parents, grandparents, relatives and friends will shape our children's health in the future. The village that raises a child can also empower the child to see beyond food marketing, to understand what truly fuels their body; to get off the computer and enjoying the outdoors; and to have fun learning about growing and cooking real food.
Please join me for special Melbourne screenings of the film, with Dr Damian Kristof, co-founder of thewellnesscouch.com, and a Naturopath and Chiropractor, as MC.
Mornington, Wednesday 22 October, 7.30pm
Tickets: www.overfedmornington.eventbrite.com.au
Brighton, Wednesday 29 October, 7pm
Tickets: www.overfedbrighton.eventbrite.com.au
Brunswick, Wednesday 10 December, details TBC
Tickets: Email me at bridget@suburbansandcastles.com
All proceeds raised from the Mornington and Brighton events will be donated to the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation to support the great work they do on food education in primary schools.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to tell you that you can bring extra flyers for my Mornington Presentation tonight to hand out to everyone :) - Tanya x
Will do Tanya! Looking forward to it : )